ICAN 92XX is a range of Flat folded filtering face masks which all are CE-marked and approved to class FFP1 NR, FFP2 NR or FFP3 NR.
They are all contained in a sealed pouch, so it will be found comfortable and convenient to keep spare masks to hand.
The masks are soft and comfortable to wear, and easy to fit to the shape of the face, because the masks are fitted with an adjustable aluminium noseclip, foam at the base of the nose and 2 adjustable cotton head harness.
Some masks have also exhalation valve which assist comfort during hard physical work.
The masks do not restrict speech or vision, and then they are free of maintenance. See our overview of our Flat Folded masks: Overview-Flat Folded Rev.02 2010-GB.pdf
ICAN 9210
ICAN 9210 are approved to class FFP1 NR.
It protects against less harmful dust and other particles.
The maximum level of use is 4 x
For more information, see datasheet 9210-Flat Folded Rev.2 2010-GB.pdf
ICAN 9215
ICAN 9215 are approved to class FFP1 NR.
The mask has exhalation valve which assists comfort during hard physical work.
It protects against less harmful dust and other particles.
The maximum level of use is 4 x
For more information, see datasheet 9215-Flat Folded Rev.2 2010-GB.pdf
ICAN 9220
ICAN 9225
ICAN 9225 are approved to class FFP2 NR.
The mask has exhalation valve which assists comfort during hard physical work.
It protects against harmful dust and other particles.
The maximum level of use is 12 x
For more information, see datasheet 9225-Flat Folded-Rev.2 2010GB.pdf
ICAN 9228
ICAN 9228 are approved to class FFP2 NR.
The mask contains active carbon, which relieves troublesome smells that may occur at low concentrations (below exposure limits) of gasses and vapours. The mask has exhalation valve which assists comfort during hard physical work. It protects against harmful dust and other particles.
The maximum level of use is 12 x
For more information, see datasheet 9228-Flat Folded Rev.2 2010-GB.pdf
ICAN 9240
ICAN 9240 proves the highest level of protection that can be achieved through use of masks in the filtration face mask category. It is approved to class FFP3 NR.
The mask has exhalation valve which assists comfort during hard physical work.
It protects against harmful, poisonous, solid and liquid particles.
The maximum level of use is 50 x
For more information, see datasheet 9240-Flat Folded Rev.2 2010-GB.pdf